Customer Is Always Right

In a bustling office, the atmosphere shifted abruptly as the boss’s voice echoed through the halls. “Little Johnny, come to my office immediately!” he shouted, summoning the young employee with urgency. Little Johnny, eager to comply, quickly responded, “Yes, sir!” As he entered the office, the tension was palpable, and the boss wasted no time addressing a recent incident involving a customer.

The boss, clearly frustrated, confronted Little Johnny about a disagreement he had with a customer who had just left the premises. “I noticed you arguing with the customer,” he said sternly. “I’ve told you before that the customer is always right. Do you understand?” Little Johnny nodded, acknowledging the age-old adage that emphasizes the importance of customer satisfaction in business.

Curious about the specifics of the argument, the boss pressed further, asking what the disagreement had been about. Little Johnny, with a hint of innocence, explained, “He said my boss is stupid and an idiot, sir!” The boss’s irritation grew as he realized the customer had crossed a line, but he also recognized the need to handle the situation with professionalism and composure.

In a surprising twist, Little Johnny revealed his response to the customer’s insult. “I told him he’s right,” he admitted, leaving the boss momentarily speechless. The unexpected reply highlighted Little Johnny’s unique perspective on the situation, blending humor with a touch of defiance. The boss, caught between exasperation and amusement, realized that while the customer may be considered “always right,” there are moments when standing up for oneself—and perhaps even for the boss—can lead to unexpected outcomes.

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