A Note from the Delivery Guy Made Me Install Security Cameras around My House – I’ll Forever Be Grateful to Him

I raced to my backyard after seeing a rushed scribbling on a delivery bag, where I discovered something unsettling. It was obvious that the risk was still present even though our regular delivery man, Ravi, had left a mysterious note that may have protected my family from something horrifying.

I frequently order takeout as a single mother because I’m too tired to prepare meals for my kids. Ravi, our regular delivery man, developed into more than just a face over time. Before leaving, he would give my kids, Kai and Isla, high fives. He was always amiable. However, something felt off last Tuesday.

Arriving looking abnormally nervous was Ravi. I was confused when, without saying anything, he handed me our dinner and hurried back to his car.

“What is Ravi’s problem?” Kai looked out the window and questioned.

“I’m not sure, friend. “Perhaps he’s rushing,” I shot back, as his vehicle go off into the distance.

Still perplexed by Ravi’s peculiar conduct, I spotted something scrawled on the back of the delivery bag as I placed the meal on the kitchen counter. I read the message right away, and the last thing on my mind was dinner because of the wobbly handwriting.


As I tried to keep my cool for my children, my heart was pounding. “Which of you two would like to wash up while I prepare everything?” Sending them out of the kitchen was my suggestion.

With Ravi’s words still fresh in my head, I hurried to the backyard as soon as they left. My hands trembled as I walked up to the garbage cans and opened the first one. Not unusual at all, just our typical nonsense. However, I froze when I opened the second can.

There was an assortment of gloves, several small tools, and an unclear bottle containing an unknown substance inside, all wrapped up in an old blanket. I felt panic take hold of me.

“Mum? Are you alright? My jaw dropped at Isla’s voice.

I snapped the lid closed and gave her a phony smile. “I’m doing great, my love. Just making sure. Enter now, and I’ll be there shortly.

Upon Isla’s disappearance, I promptly contacted the sheriff’s department.

“This is Leona speaking to the Sheriff’s Department.”

It’s Nora, Leona. You must come over right now. Something unsettling was discovered in my trash.

As I explained what was inside the can, Leona’s tone became serious. “Avoid making any contact. I’m heading there. Till I get there, stay inside with the kids.

I hung up, but the worry didn’t go away. Lately, there had been a spate of break-ins in our neighborhood using eerily similar techniques: chemicals to break locks and rigorous evidence cleanup. The prospect of my house being the next on the list gave me a chill.

“What’s going on, Mom?” Kai inquired, sensing my discomfort.

I told him, “Everything’s fine,” but my grin seemed forced. “It’s time for dinner.”

There was a tap on the door right as we were getting settled to dine. I stiffened, but when I glanced through the peephole and saw Leona, I felt relieved.

I said, “Kids, stay here and finish dinner,” and went outside to talk to her.

I told Leona everything that I had discovered in the garbage, along with Ravi’s note and his odd conduct. Her gaze swept across the street as she listened intently.

“It was the right thing for you to call me,” she remarked. “I’ll look over and have an analysis done on what you found. I highly advise you to strengthen your security in the meanwhile. We’ll keep an eye on the area all night.

I could not sleep that night. I studied security systems for hours, listening to every noise. I was jittery by morning from too much caffeine and not getting enough sleep.

I made an exact 8 a.m. call to a security firm. “My house needs cameras installed all around it. Right now.

“Ma’am, our earliest slot is next week—”

“No,” I interrupted, my voice breaking. “Someone’s planning to break into my home. I need those cameras now.”

The urgency in my tone must have struck a chord because the receptionist softened her voice. “Let me see what I can do. Can you hold for a moment?”

After what felt like an eternity, she returned with good news. “We had a cancellation. Our team can be there in two hours.”

The security team arrived, and I paced the house as they installed cameras. Every passing car, every dog walker suddenly seemed suspicious. Just as they were finishing, Leona pulled into my driveway, her expression grim.

“Nora, we need to talk inside,” she said.

I sent the kids to their rooms before sitting down with her. “The lab results are in,” she said. “That liquid you found? It’s a powerful corrosive, often used to weaken locks.”

My heart sank. “So, it’s true. They were planning to break in.”

“It appears so,” Leona confirmed. “But you’ve taken the right steps. We’re increasing patrols, and your security system is in place.”

At that moment, I spotted Ravi arriving at a neighbor’s house. “He’s here,” I said, moving to the window.

“Talk to him, but be careful,” Leona advised. “We’re not sure if he’s involved or just a concerned bystander.”

I approached Ravi as he was about to leave. He looked tense, but I needed answers.

“I’m sorry about yesterday,” he began before I could speak. “I saw some guys messing with your trash. They looked shady. I wanted to warn you, but I was scared they might still be around.”

Relief washed over me. “So that’s why you left the note?”

He nodded. “I’m sorry if I scared you.”

“Ravi, you might have saved my family. Thank you,” I said, my voice thick with emotion.

Later, after tucking my kids into bed, I sat in front of the new security monitors. The cameras showed quiet streets and empty yards, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was out there, watching, waiting for their chance.

Whatever happened next, I knew I wasn’t alone. Ravi’s quick thinking, Leona’s dedication, and my own determination had turned potential tragedy into a story of vigilance and unexpected allies. All I could do now was stay alert and keep my family safe.

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